Saturday, October 25, 2008

Trickery leads to $50, so all is forgiven

Last night was our anual discussion meet for Young Farmers and Ranchers. YF&R is a subset of the Farm Bureau Federation, and is a great way to network and otherwise hobnob with other farmers and ranchers in our area and state. The Discussion Meet is a competition that the YF&R uses to get us talking about ag issues, and to train us for the kind of discussions that come up in committee meetings for higher levels of the federation. Last year I competed for the first time, and was an alternate qualifier to compete at the state convention. I did get to compete, and had a good time. I wasn't going to compete this year, because my baby is three weeks old and I decided it would just be to hard. I did, however, want Joe to do well, so I looked up a bunch of stuff on the internet for him to look at. As I know him pretty well, I guessed he wouldn't ever get to ready the info I got, so I read a lot of it so I could brief him on it on the way to the activity. When we got there it turned out there weren't a lot of competitors. Gwen loves to give me the peer pressure to compete, and it looked like it was shaping up to be a fairly lame meet-barely enough competitors for two rounds-which would really suck for our district. So a nice old lady watched my baby, and I competed after all. Guess what?
I won.
So now I'm $50 bucks richer and get a free trip to Boise, so I forgive you, Gwen, for being a horrible person who manipulates other people and refuses to participate. (Hee hee)


Zach and Jessi said...

Way to go! Don't you love pleasant surprises like that?

shayne and kimberly said...

Great job emily! so, a trip to boise and 50 smackers think of the possibilities!