Monday, February 16, 2009

Here we go again...

Joe and I had quite a scare yesterday. Kory had fallen asleep in the car on the way home from church yesterday, and was so tired he didn't wake when we transferred him from the car to his crib, or when we took off his coat. About half and hour later, we could hear him screaming in his crib. He sounded REALLY mad. It seemed really unusual, because Kory can climb out of his crib on his own, and he didn't seem to be trying to get out. I was nursing Raena, so Joe went and got him. As soon as Joe touched him, Kory freaked out and fought him like crazy! Joe put him on our bed and Kory rolled around, screaming, not seeming to even know where he was or that we were with him. He couldn't hear us, and he wouldn't talk to us. He freaked out if we tried to touch him. This lasted about 10 minutes, by which time I had deposited Raena in her crib, and tried repeatedly to calm Kory down. He almost seemed possessed, not like my little boy at all. I finally handed him into Joe's lap and said, "Bless him!" I couldn't think what else to do! He was clearly in some kind of awful distress, and we were both (Joe and I) scared, not knowing how to help him. Joe blessed him, but there was no change in Kory. We talked later, and Joe and I both felt, though we didn't share it with each other at the time, that in that moment the Spirit whispered that Kory had had a seizure. You'll remember he has had this problem in the past. I called the hospital and described his symptoms, and they told me to bring him up. Kory finally calmed down right before we packed him in the car. Joe was with him, and he said Kory suddenly relaxed, and Joe asked him if he wanted to be held, and Kory said he did. We took our other kids to Claunches (who have more than repaid us for taking their boys home when Avery broke her face!) where Jeremy helped Joe administer to Kory, and gave Joe a blessing as well. At the hospital, they said what I expected them to say, because it's all a doctor can say about a seizure he didn't see: "I don't know."
I have since done some research about what happened, and I think what Kory had was a night terror. Night terrors occur in the frontal lobe in the brain, which is where the injury the provoked Kory's first round of seizures was. Experts say that night terrors and seizures aren't related. I know the Spirit doesn't lie. Maybe a doctor will never be able to tell me what happens in his brain, but I know there is a potential for malfunction there. I also know I have a very intelligent, gifted, valiant little son.
I don't often let go with my fears and worries. I think worry is counter-productive. But I wonder if Kory seizures stopped as a mercy to me, dealing with an unplanned pregnancy? I wonder if, now that other things are better, now is the time to deal with this unknown malady in Kory? I acknowledge the little mercies that made yesterday bearable; the lesson I gave on recognizing the Spirit, Raena's remarkably good behaviour, Claunches willingness to help us bear a burden, the inspiration of a priesthood blessing, and the abiding comfort of the gift of faith. I was blessed to feel the actual power of the faith the Lord has carefully cultivated in me through the last year. I was blest to feel the power of the priesthood in my home. I was blessed to witness the deep love my husband has for my children. I was blessed to know with certainty that my Saviour loves my son, and holds him in His hand. I can't understate how deeply I know my Savior loves me. I can't say often enough, or adequately enough how grateful I am for His grace, His love, and the privelege I have of having access to his power. I am greatful that He has taught me, that even when I am scared or worried, I am compelled to thank Him for everything.


Goodwin Family said...

How scary for you!! I'm glad that he is ok now and I hope you figure out soon what is causing it!!

Dinee said...

That sounds really scary. I hope he'll be ok in the long run.

Zach and Jessi said...

I'm sorry Emily, how scary! I'm glad he is okay for now and I hope that they can figure out what is going on soon.

Krista said...

Our neice had night terrors for a long time. She did not have prior seizures, but she wouls scream and scream. Her parents didn't know what to do. I think she finally out grew them, but I know she never had any memory of them. If the Spirit says it was a seizures then it was. You are mom, you know best. Don't let the doctor tell you any thing different.

Cristina Lejardi said...

What a frightening experience! I'm so sorry!

I must say, it does sound a lot like night terrors to me. I'm obviously no doctor or expert, but I did witness my nephew's night terrors many, many times when he was little. Kory's episode, whatever it was, sounds like a play-by-play of what my nephew used to go through several nights a week. While normally a very well-behaved little guy, when he would experience his night terrors, he'd "wake up" about 2 or 3 hours after he'd fallen asleep, kicking and fighting and screaming this horrible, terrified, gut-wrenching scream. He didn't seem to know that anyone he knew was around him, was not able to be comforted, and would walk into walls and furniture. When he would finally "wake up" from it, he would be a little shaken, but otherwise totally calm, and completely unaware of what had happened. It was like flipping a switch. Happily, he grew out of it, but not until he was about 5 1/2 or so.

Kory's episode sure sounds like what my nephew used to go through.... but I completely agree with what Krista said. If the Spirit was prompting you, and you feel with every fiber of your being that it was a seizure, then it probably was. You know your little boy, and you know your mother's intuition is a finely tuned instrument.

Poor little guy. You're all in my prayers. Give him a big hug from me!

Blake and Lara said...

What a scary experence for you! I have read about night terrors in children but have never experenced one with my kids. The Lord really does bless us in these tramatic experences with more courage and faith than we could possibly have without the gospel in our lives. This reminds me a lot of when Bethany got the tip of her finger cut off. How awful to see our kids in such distress but blessings come in these moments of peril. We love you guys!

shayne and kimberly said...

Allyson used to (and occassionally still does) have night terrors all the time!! It kind of sounds like it could have been one. i hope that everything turns out for teh best!!!

Sister Savanah Jo Ward said...

Scary! We'll be praying for you! Those night terrors are a little disconcerting as it is without the added fear of a seizure!

Amy Peterson said...

Hey Emily, thanks for sending me the link - I just wasn't looking close enough on your facebook page. I had no idea little Kory was dealing with any of that. You and Joe are such good parents - Kory and I really admire you too and know that your kids are so blessed to have you. Kory says all the time how much he loved his time with Joe. Thanks for being great examples. I'll keep your family in my prayers.