Monday, February 25, 2008


Kory was never a big fan of the binky. Jake used his till he was 18 months. Kory gave his up at around 6. So you can imagine my confusion when all of a sudden this afternoon, everywhere I looked, there were binkies! Kory took no notice, Jake started trying to give them to Kory, and they continued to appear as if from nowhere! In vain I sought the source of binkies, thinking perhaps a toy box or hidden laundry stores were the culprit. The mystery was beyond my grasp. I went into Kory's room to put some clothes away and caught my puppy worming out from underneat Kory's crib with, you guessed it, a binky in her mouth. The little scamp had been scavenging under the crib and finding all the binkies I had resigned to their dusty fate. So thanks to an adventurous cocker spaniel, it is Binkypalooza at my house.

1 comment:

Brandon and Brittany said...

Hey our dog has the same fascination. Unfortunately, our baby Landon is very much a binkie person and so I VERY MUCH mind when my dog chews them all up... I bet she wishes she lived at your house.