Thursday, June 7, 2007

After all the family has gone

The hordes have come and gone, and what an adventure it was! Kory's blessing coincided with Kiera's graduation, so there was much to celebrate. Thankfully, because I have a tiny baby and a demon preschooler, we were excused from attending graduation. However, there didn't seem to be any plans for after the ceremony Friday, so Joe and I had the whole family out for a BBQ at the last moment. It was a lot of fun to see Nik's family, as they live in Vegas and can't make it up much. Joe often says they are the branch of the family you can laugh the most with. An example: Aunt Rissy has a really tiny, really cute nose ring. Jake was passing by and caught sight of it. He stopped short, and said,"Excuse me. I have to poke you," and went to work trying to figure out what was in her nose. She thought it was the funniest thing, and everyone got a big kick out of it.
Saturday night I was expecting my brother and sister to come up, but my brother got really sick early Saturday morning and couldn't come up. So it was just my sister and her fiance. They were very concerned that they couldn't make it 188 miles on one tank of gas, but I managed to assure them that their Alero would do just fine. There were also concerns about my dog. Richard (that's my future brother-in-law) refused to get out of his car until I put the dog in my room. He is a security guard at Becca's apartment complex, and just so we wouldn't forget, he wore his badge. The whole time. A lovely, official looking shield with the words "Security Guard" right on the front. Very impressive, I must say. He wasn't really interested in conversation, and so he quickly got bored. He wanted to go play laser tag. Sadly, we lack the facilities to accomodate such a request, so my dad took him and Becca so see the resevoir. As it transpired, he had failed to bring clothes appropriate for church, so I found some to lend him. He did not wind up using them, as he stayed in the parking lot for the entire meeting. There is so much more to this story. If you are intrigued, let me know and I will post something solely in honor of Richard, and maybe we can all come to a greater understanding of why I can not believe my sister is going to allow this person to father her children.
Joe did a wonderful job blessing little Kory, and the rest of the family was a delight to have around. My uncle and his daughters and their husbands all came up for the day. They left at 5am in Bountiful to be here, and left so they could get home by early evening. That's love, right there. They are my favorites. You shouldn't have favorites in family, but I do. We were also so happy to have Alison come. And of course our other good friends are in our ward, and really couldn't avoid missing it
The best guests were Kory and Amy. Kory was Joe's trainer on the the mission, and one of his best friends. You'll note that he and my tiny baby have the same name. We named our son for him. He gives my tiny face a lot to live up to. He's one of the best men we know. He is so genuine and kind and giving. We just love him, and his wife. We wish they lived closer, and we could see them more.
Soon, I'll have to get Gwen to teach me how to post pictures, and then you can see how cute my kids are. Just so you know, they are the cutest kids in the world, so you should be looking forward to pictures with wild anticipation.

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