Saturday, September 27, 2008

Countdowns and Conundrums

After my eventful (boo) morning in Blackfoot this week I have been tormented more that usual with the final weeks of my pregnancy. I forgot to mention that at my last OB appointment I was surprised and delighted to learn that my body was making progress towards labor all by itself, and at 37 weeks too! I had never accomplished such a feat before and was very encouraged. But, on the occasion of being violated multiple times for no reason on Wednesday, I was told that after almost a week, I had made no additional progress at all. That bummed me out. I have heard a lot about evening primrose oil helping to ripen the cervix and castor (I accidently wrote castro oil at first, which I'm sure is NOT doctor reccomended) oil to bring on contractions. I obtained both these holistic (read: sort of weird) options Wednesday determined to give them the old college try, 'cause you know what? I'm tired.
Just so you know, so far the only discernable effects of evening primrose oil are bloating and gas. I chickened out with the castor oil, because it seems to me that a lot, if not all, of these remedies work only when your body is ready anyway, and then they just give you a boost. Much as I hate to admit it, I know I'm not ready. Sigh.
So I'm still on for an October 3 induction. The good news is that's only six days away! The bad news is, that's six days away. I can't be appeased.


Gwen said...

Hey ya big chicken!! just kidding! I'm not sure I would have been brave enough to take the castor oil if I wouldn't have been so close to my due date with Wyatt. Luckily for me it worked, but you didn't see me trying it with I think you probably made a good call on waiting it out! In the meantime, HANG IN THERE
p.s. very cute blog background!

Raena Jackson Armitage said...

Hi, congratulations!

You don't know me at all but I was idly googling my own name, and here you are. I'm Raena Maree. :D

I hope you have a safe and happy birth.